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Anthony in Acropolis - 1

Trekking-up the Acropolis hill in Athens, Greece, you can’t help but be overwhelmed with astonishment and inspiration. I had read about this place since the age of 13 and studied the importance of its buildings, people and culture which infiltrated the Western world and helped to shape democratic societies as we know them today.

On an incredible spring day, the sun was out in full force and the weather (in the mid to high 60s) was perfect for the climb. I was with an expert tour guide, also a professor at a local university to students studding Greek history. Despina was her name, and she was amazing. As we scaled the hill, the buildings, such as the Parthenon and the Theatre of Dionysus, came into focus. The beauty took my breath away. I was inching closer to these ancient structures that had once only been on the pages of my history books. In a few moments I would be able to put my hand on the carved columns which builders created thousands of years ago.

I stopped for a minute to gaze-out over the city and reflect on the moment. I just wanted to take it all in, and burn the image of beauty in my mind. I wore a pair of Haider Ackermann cashmere sweatpants, a white button-down cotton shirt by Givenchy and an asymmetrical overcoat by Israeli designers, The Muslin Brothers. It was an experience I will never forget.