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Breakfast is breakfast, but sometimes it’s elevated to a whole new level. I was recently in Morocco over Ramadan, an interesting time to be in a country which largely practices Islam and abides by the rules of fasting for an entire month. From sunrise to sunset, food and water cannot be consumed. This has been done for years to commemorate the first revelation of the Quran to Muhammad. It is one of the pillars of the religion and is extremely important to its followers.

Of course, for non-Muslims, food is plentiful. Although I felt badly down deep eating when others were fasting, I wasn’t sure I had the will power in me to give up my warm and flaky croissants, even for a day. The beautiful Selman hotel in Marrakech offers a fantastic breakfast to its guests which can be enjoyed in your room, outside or, if you’d like, in a fountain. I opted for the latter one morning and sat with my feet dangling in the cool water while the property’s horses put on a show just a mere 10 feet away.

This experience is a “must” and will surely be one you won’t soon forget.