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Gustavo Moscosco - 3A

Gustavo Moscoso, the menswear designer on everyone’s lips, is very interesting. His mind and creations harken back to an era where men dressed for the day and never left the house unpolished. I spoke with him about men’s fashion in his country and his place on the global fashion landscape. Here is what he had to say.

IC: What led you to becoming a menswear designer?

GM: I was born and raised in Cuenca, a small city down south in Ecuador where my father was a very well know business man. He had several commercial activities and one of those was a high quality fabric store. Since it was a small city, every gentleman in town used to buy cashmere to have their suits custom made… they looked impeccable and fabulous…I always admired the fact that men’s tailoring was timeless and I wanted to be part of that marvelous combination between art and fashion. Dressing well is the perfect combination of both the art of finding the perfect fit with the perfect components.

IC: How would you describe your own personal style?

GM: My style is a mix between the best pieces of traditional men´s tailoring items and the best of today’s great fashion benefits…nothing compares to the inspiring greatness of a custom made suit. When I talk about today´s benefits, I refer to the technology that allows us to have great prints and work with outstanding and remarkable materials. I try to have a timeless and always elegant style with a signature something – it often depends on how I feel.

IC: What is good style in your opinion?

GM: In my opinion finding a balance usually expresses a good style. A person with good style is the one capable of finding what is good for oneself without responding to market requirements. Finding something that strikes the balance between fashion and comfort, finding something that describes you and that supports your activities. When a person combines their inner-self and uses style as way of expression, it always turns out as a very unique piece of walking art! It’s just magic!

IC: How are well-dressed men perceived in Ecuador?

GM: Well-dressed men are perceived as gentleman, as successful business people, as entrepreneurs and experienced travelers even. What is great about Ecuador is that we keep the tradition of going to work wearing suits and ties. It’s a great thing because the value on elegance remains strong almost as a cultural asset, allowing men to feel responsible and strong, to feel a little important.

IC: What challenges and advantages do you face being based in Ecuador?

GM: I perceive being based in Ecuador as a great opportunity. The market for men´s clothing was very complicated but that challenge helps me to cultivate my creativity and to improve the quality of each collection I design. I cannot thank my customers enough, the ones that I have had from the very beginning demand the best of me. To me, a challenge is an opportunity to be faced with creativity and great effort. I have been one of the first fashion designers dedicated to men’s fashion, primarily, and that is why I know my business from head to toe. I had to be strong and find my way around several market taboos. But it has been a great experience for me. We have had the chance to educate men on how to promote their ideas through their style, and that is my contribution and achievement.

IC: How do you see yourself and your designs on the global fashion landscape?

GM: We are already showcasing in several countries. It is a wonderful experience because the quality of GM products are outstanding. Becoming an international brand will always be our objective, but further down the line, we hope to promote the idea of a healthy and balanced lifestyle through providing our customers with clothing that allows them to express the best of what they are. We sell something more than clothes, we provide people with tools to drive them closer to their dreams.

IC: What legacy do you wish to have in menswear?

GM: The legacy I hope to deliver is to inspire young people to follow their dreams. I hope to have the chance to tell my story and inspire others to work hard and not to give up. I hope not be a style icon but I hope to be remembered as a dream maker, because I dress people with dreams. I try to be part of those unique moments that change lives, that is what a legacy should be. It should be pure inspiration.

IC: Who are your style icons?

GM: Tom Ford, Yves Saint Laurent, the magnificent Coco Chanel, the great Karl Lagerfeld, Valentino, Christian Dior, Jean Paul Gaultier – so many inspiring masterminds! They will be eternal because they changed the history of fashion with their vision and they show us the power of a dream.