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Antica Corte Pallavicina is a Michelin-starred restaurant in Polesine Parmense, Italy. The countryside setting in the Emilia-Romagna region is idyllic and beautiful, the perfect place to house this restored villa with guest rooms and renowned eatery. On a recent evening, I enjoyed a fantastic dinner in the intimate dining room presided over by chef Massimo Spigaroli.

Walking through the rose gardens and gravel drives around the villa, you can’t help but feel overwhelmed by the beauty of the nature that surrounds this property. Chef Massimo is the owner, creating a small world of Italian hospitality and culinary genius. In the ancient cellars of the villa, culatello,a special cured ham from black pigs, hangs from the rafters, aging for its sale and consumption on the property. You can also visit the villa’s store, purchasing their honey, culatello, olive oil and other homemade products to take home.

The evening was perfect here. Dinner included a tasting menu of Italian specialties, focusing on the prosciutto, culatello and cheese the region is known for. The service, which consisted of an army of handsome servers, was fantastic. Antica Corte Pallavicina must be experienced firsthand to fully appreciate its splendor – and, at the end of your time here, you’ll be happy you did.