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A literal stone’s throw from downtown Frankfurt you will find a melange of options when it comes to exploring the area’s rich tradition of apple wine and riesling production. Just beyond the skyscrapers are rolling hills of green covered in ancient grape vines and apple orchards responsible for aiding in the local thirst for these special beverages which have become internationally synonymous with the region.

On a recent visit, I was invited to the Main Appel Haus in Lohrberg to experience a community apple orchard where employees and volunteers work around the clock to maintain the orchard, apples, herbs, flowers, honey and berries that are produced here. The main product, of course, is apple wine. This delicious golden beverage is more of a mix between cider and wine, and is made from the apple peels and “must” that are combined with yeast to ferment. The taste is unique, not sweet, but almost like a light beer that has a faint taste of apple.

During my visit I was escorted around the property to learn about the production of apple wine and to see the fruit, firsthand. I even got to taste the homemade pretzels baked on site. You can visit the farm throughout the spring, summer and fall. Click here to plan your personalized apple wine route in the Frankfurt region.