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Being a fragrance expert, Frédéric Malle gave me his do’s and don’ts when it comes to wearing perfume. Most of us wander aimlessly through life spraying and walking through, spraying and rubbing, spraying and cart-wheeling through and all sorts of other interpretations of the “proper” way to apply our favorite scent. Here, Frédéric sets the record straight.

1) “Don’t spray and walk into it. Basically you’re spraying the room.”

2) “I love Mademoiselle Chanel’s quote, ‘Put it where you want to be kissed’, I think that’s really sweet.”

3) “If you have a very fresh fragrance, one that doesn’t really stay, one that is very transparent, I think it’s best to spray your chest. You can put a lot on because it will slowly evaporate throughout the day.”

4) “A big no, no to me is putting the fragrance on top of your hand. Put two sprays on your neck or here (the wrist) because fragrance evaporates very well from these points.”

5) “Putting fragrance on your clothes is fine. It will last forever. It’s always nice to go back to your clothes and smell them.”