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Wiestbaden Town Germany - 1

Wiestbaden Town Germany - 1

Wiesbaden, a small town in the Frankfurt am Main region, has been attracting visitors for its wellness-oriented tourism and thermal springs since the days of the Romans. And, with riesling basically flowing through the veins of any traveler enjoying the local spirit, wellness is a necessity. Offering over 26 thermal springs bubbling-up around town, there are no shortage of hotels and facilities catering to those who are serious about their health. In fact, during the summer and autumn months, Wiesbaden attracts members of royal families from the Middle East as well as international celebrities.

The town of Wiesbaden is beautiful, flanked with historic buildings, a stunning town hall, gardens and parks. It’s gentle hills allow visitors to get a perspective from varying points, admiring historic homes and green spaces from above. For those looking to visit Wiesbaden for the baths, the Kaiser Friedrich baths are a must. These baths sit atop an ancient Roman steam room and provide over 15,000 square feet of saunas to explore and unwind in. If baths are not your cup, or glass, of riesling, you can enjoy the area’s shopping and culinary delights.

Visiting Wiesbaden is taking a moment to unwind and truly relieve yourself of any stress you might have. Here, you can let go and bathe in the beauty and tradition that surrounds you.