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Equador - Mountain-Volcano

Equador - Mountain-Volcano

Since it’s a new year, shouldn’t we all use the opportunity to reach higher and challenge ourselves to move outside of our comfort zone? I think so. Ecuador is known for its high altitudes and tall peaks and volcanos. Cotopaxi, Chimborazo and Cayambe are just a few. Like mountain climber Iván Vallejo, who physically climbs mountains for a living, pushing his body to its limit, we can do the same. Even if you live in the flatlands of Nebraska, you can look at your life’s goals as peaks and an opportunity to climb each one, conquering them one by one. Break each goal down step by step and only look ahead a few steps. If you stand back and see how far you have to go, you might become overwhelmed and quit. But, know inside, that once each “mini-goal” is accomplished, you are closer and closer to completing the quest. Once you get to the top, as Mr. Vallejo knows, the view is incredible.