Founded By Two Women, Francie Duff and Sonia Reynolds, Stable Of Ireland is the ultimate hidden gem retail location for those looking for the most incredible Irish fashion accessories. Born from a love of their country and a love of the traditions that make-up Irish fashion, these two women scoured the Emerald Isle to find the best knitters, weavers and fabric makers and brought them together in one beautiful shop in Dublin.

Stable is essentially a “stable” of Irish talent. When visiting and shopping, you don’t have to worry about driving throughout the country to find the perfect scarf, sweater or hat – they’ve done the work for you. Here, at Stable, you can peruse countless items that have a story, meaning and quality that will help it last a lifetime. We met Francie and Sonia and were so very impressed with their knowledge of Ireland, its fashion history and the textiles, like wool and linen, which have made it famous the world over.

We hosted an event at Lismore Castle in County Waterford and worked with Stable of Ireland to create beautiful scarves, one of their signature pieces, to give to each of the 28 guests as a remembrance of Ireland and their time at Lismore. Both Francie and Sonia immediately sourced the most stunning, natural linens and worked with their team to assemble the scarves so that they would be ready on time. Irish linen has the ability to help its wearer stay warm and cool at the same time, balancing your temperature so that you are at your maximum comfort at all times. Being that the weather in Ireland can be unpredictable throughout the year, the scarves were an absolute perfect choice for the guests who’d be wearing them.

Of course Stable has an online retail location through their website, but walking into their shop is an entirely different experience altogether. If you’re hoping to find something to take home that you can literally wrap yourself in, to remember the beauty and uniqueness of Ireland, Stable has it. Whether it’s a wool sweater, a linen scarf or a cashmere hat – you’ll see the quality in those pieces made by their weavers and other partners. There’s no point in looking elsewhere.