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Anthony in Jerusalem - 1

Israel is booming and Tel Aviv is the epicenter for quintessentially cool design. The fashion, architecture, food and more are drawing-in international attention and fashion-forward visitors from across the globe. One brand, The Muslin Brothers, is making waves as one of the most prominent and up-and-coming labels from the land of Bauhaus and olive trees. I interviewed them on a recent trip to Tel Aviv about Israeli style, the fashion industry in their country and more.

IC: How did you start in the fashion industry?

MB: We studied fashion yet we weren’t sure if we want to practice it. We each worked as a freelance costume designer. Being creative in a shared space made us slowly realized that working together changed our views. We started crafting clothes for friends to wear alongside creating performances and installations talking about fashion in a broader sense.

IC: What is the menswear industry like currently in Israel?

MB: It is on the rise. Israel has so many great minds, it is a shame that there are not many adventurous dressers.

IC: How is the fashion scene evolving in your country?

MB: We always say and laugh that Israel is like the wild wild west in relation to fashion. It lacks any dress code so this leaves a vast opportunity to bold designers to create freely.

IC: Where do you get your inspiration?

MB: We work a lot with geometric forms and shapes of basic clothing items. We let ourselves be influenced by social criticism and deal with this through humor and the blurriness of gender characteristics to design a poetic collection for the costumer. Our clothes always leave a space for the wearer to cast his own identity into the garments.

IC: Who is the Muslin Brothers customer? Who gravitates towards your work?

MB: The label’s customer consists of men and women who are young at heart, free and experimental.