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It’s hard not to feel inspired in Marrakech. Yves Saint Laurent famously kept a home, Jardin Majorelle, here for years and chose it as his final resting place after death. The artistry and age-old traditions that infiltrate every space, old and new, is mesmerizing. I was recently a guest at Le Palais Selman, an incredibly beautiful hotel in-town and was instantly taken by one of the rooms done in black and white mosaic. The central area had a fountain and pool, common in many homes in Morocco and other Islamic nations. Before dinner, I had a moment to take a few pictures before heading out. I wore a crisp white cotton shirt by Givenchy, a quilted pair of oversized shorts by New York brand, Rochambeau, and a pair of black leather Chanel espadrilles. I love this look and couldn’t have found a better place for it. Only in Marrakech!

Photo shot in Marrakech, Morocco at Le Palais Selman