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Everyone knows by now that juicing is all the rage – and why shouldn’t it be? It has been a proven way to intake your recommended daily nutrition in an efficient and delicious way. There are many juice brands on offer in the marketplace, but not all are created equal. Some varieties are as bad for you as blending-up a candy bar and consuming it for breakfast. Added sugar and preservatives is never good. What you want in a good juice brand is the pure, unadulterated juice with no added sugar, no preservatives and, ideally, drinking it raw, within 30 minutes of juicing.

One of my favorite new brands is Rawpothecary. Rawpothecary is fresh-pressed juice created by art-dealer Stephanie Walczak. Stephanie always had a love for nutrition, so she created a company that would offer innovative juice blends like “kalefornia”, “sweet and spicy greens”, “lemon oasis” and “dandi detox”. There’s more in Stephanie’s juices than juice. She also combines extracts from dandelion, coffee, licorice and even maple syrup for a complete meal replacement at times.

Rawpothecary is delicious and heavy in health bolstering ingredients. You can purchase it through their online store and even through large retailers like Whole Foods Market.