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For years I’ve brushed with a standard electric toothbrush, happy with the results of my ever-so-clean mouth and the life of the product, which seemed to be forever. I didn’t give much thought to it, as it integrated itself into my morning and evening grooming ritual seamlessly. But, recently, I discovered something new and interesting – like an alien from outer space, Sweden actually, which landed next to my bathroom sink. The Foreo ISSA.

My ISSA is one of four colors, Cool Black, offered through the company who took it upon themselves to redesign the electric toothbrush – a feat not attempted in 60 years. What is so revolutionary about this toothbrush is the fact that it is made of silicone, including the bristles. The silicone not only effectively cleans teeth, but also massages the gums – an important part of oxygenating the mouth and teeth. It also aids in safely removing plaque in a way that is not aggressive. The sleek, ergonomic and truly beautiful design is easy to hold and adjusts to your mouth perfectly. I was shocked at how the silicone and design helped in keeping the brush clean. There is no need to unscrew and clean the brush head or body of the device – extracting disgusting build-up common with typical electric toothbrushes on the market. And, the ISSA’s brush head lasts an entire year without needing to be replaced.

I take the toothbrush with me around the world while traveling as it’s incredibly light and has no charging dock. The small device is charged through a short USB cable and, once charged, lasts up to 365 uses. I charged the device a month ago and never since – which is truly amazing.