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Grand Prix Monaco - 1

Grand Prix Monaco - 1

The world famous Monaco Grand Prix is not overrated. Aside from drawing thousands of people to the principality every year and bringing-in millions of tourism dollars, the Grand Prix is a cultural institution for racers, those who love racing and for the Monegasque people.

May is often the month the event is held and is a Formula One motor race that has been the world’s most important race since 1929. The event is adrenaline-inducing as Monaco’s roads set the perfect stage for a risky and dangerous sport. The high elevations, changing mountain landscapes and tight corners make it difficult to maneuver through the course for drivers. But, every year, they show-up in droves with their fans and sponsors to give it their best shot.

As the date grows near for the event, you begin to notice Monaco changing faces. The usual glamor and elegance of its visitors is heightened with the arrival of the international jet-set. Roads are barricaded and the course is set. Just days before, lounging by the pool of your sumptuous hotel, you’ll hear the sounds of cars racing through the streets, the mountains echoing with the spitting and sputtering of rubber on asphalt.

It’s no doubt that visiting during the Grand Prix is exciting, albeit hectic and crowded. But, it’s worth every moment and is an experience every luxury traveler, or anyone who is into racing, should experience at least once in their lifetime.