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Restaurants in Vienna, Austria come in a large variety, but few offer the level of cuisine, uniqueness and thrill as Restaurant 1070. Located at Gutenberggasse 28, the restaurant is in a historic small home on a quiet lane, luring you in from the street with its candlelit windows and small characteristics. It almost appears to be in the house of an elf or fairy, something right out of a fairytale.

The owner, Dagmar Wulz, presides over the dining room welcoming patrons-in with a smile and a lick from a neighborhood dog who sometimes stops-in for a rest. The restaurant is quaint, with dimly-lit spaces and low ceilings. A chef cooks furiously in the kitchen – a variety of seasonal dishes that meet and exceed diners expectations. But, there’s a catch.

There is no menu at 1070. You simply sit, tell the waiter what food allergies you might have or what  foods you don’t eat, and the rest is up to the chef. This is scary, at first, but, once you let go, you realize all is okay. You can eat as much or as little as you’d like and take-in up to eight courses of fantastic food.

This is a special place to visit for the adventurous foodie in Vienna.