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A mere 45-minute drive from the center of Marrakech lies the beautiful Atlas mountains where you can explore deserted roads, deep canyons, riverbeds and UNESCO villages – all in the course of one day. Leaving your hotel after breakfast allows you ample time to get to the mountains and plan your excursion. The twists and turns in the road lead you over the hills and to blueish-green rivers splicing through ancient terrain. Small villages built of local stone seem to blend into the landscape in a chameleon-like manner, making it difficult to pick them out from the boulders that surround them.

As a visitor, you can witness life as it was long ago, locals living off the land with goats and making the most of their seasonal crops. Along the way, you might spot roadside stands selling quartz or amethyst found nearby, or Moroccan handicrafts. Fossils which have been dug-up after thousands of years of being buried are readily available for purchase – at much more reasonable prices than your local antique store. If so inclined, you can stay the night in the mountains, in luxury, at Sir Richard Branson’s Kasbah Tamadot. This hotel is incredible.

Don’t miss a day in the Atlas Mountains while in Marrakech – the experience will stay with you always.