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Camels Marrakech Morocco - 1

Camels Marrakech Morocco - 1

Marrakech is known for its camels, as virtually every corner is filled with them. As a visitor, you want to interact with these lovely creatures in some way but feel conflicted. Should you ride them? Should you just take a picture? Should you watch a camel race? There are many options. But, one fun way to learn about the animals in a respectful manner is to go on a mini safari with them around the outskirts of the city.

There are often men with camels tied to the ground, looking to give you a short ride for a small amount of money. We do not recommend this as, often, the animals are not taken care of and are not free to walk as much as they should during the day. We suggest working with your hotel to find a reputable source for a camel experience – as there are many. After spending more than a few minutes with the camels, you will realize that they are beautiful and truly amazing animals.